export interface ThreadEditOptions
The options used to edit a thread channel
optionalreadonly Snowflake[] appliedTags? :
The tags to apply to the thread
optionalboolean archived? :
Whether the thread is archived
optionalThreadAutoArchiveDuration autoArchiveDuration? :
The amount of time after which the thread should automatically archive in case of no recent activity
optionalChannelFlagsResolvable flags? :
The flags to set on the channel
optionalboolean invitable? :
Whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread Can only be edited on ChannelType
optionalboolean locked? :
Whether the thread is locked
optionalstring name? :
The new name for the thread
optionalnumber rateLimitPerUser? :
The rate limit per user (slowmode) for the thread in seconds
optionalstring reason? :
Reason for editing the thread