export interface ClientOptions
Options for a client.
optionalMessageMentionOptions allowedMentions? :
The default value for allowedMentions
optionalnumber closeTimeout? :
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for the close frame to be received from the WebSocket. Don't have this too high/low. It's best to have it between 2_000-6_000 ms. (default: 5_000)
optionalboolean enforceNonce? :
The default value for MessageReplyOptions
optionalboolean failIfNotExists? :
The default value for failIfNotExists (default: true)
BitFieldResolvable<GatewayIntentsString, number> intents :
Intents to enable for this connection
A function used to transform outgoing json data
optionalCacheFactory makeCache? :
Function to create a cache. You can use your own function, or the Options class to customize the Collection used for the cache. Overriding the cache used in GuildManager
, ChannelManager
, GuildChannelManager
, RoleManager
, and PermissionOverwriteManager
is unsupported and **will* * break functionality
optionalreadonly Partials[] partials? :
Structures allowed to be partial. This means events can be emitted even when they're missing all the data for a particular structure. See the "Partial Structures" topic on the [guide](https://discordjs.guide/popular-topics/partials.html) for some important usage information, as partials require you to put checks in place when handling data.
optionalPresenceData presence? :
Presence data to use upon login (default: {})
optionalPartial<RESTOptions> rest? :
Options for the REST manager
optionalnumber shardCount? :
The total amount of shards used by all processes of this bot (e.g. recommended shard count, shard count of the ShardingManager) (default: 1)
The shard's id to run, or an array of shard ids. If not specified, the client will spawn shardCount shards. If set to auto
, it will fetch the recommended amount of shards from Discord and spawn that amount
optionalSweeperOptions sweepers? :
Options for cache sweeping (default: this.DefaultSweeperSettings)
optionalnumber waitGuildTimeout? :
Time in milliseconds that clients with the GatewayIntentBits gateway intent should wait for missing guilds to be received before being ready. (default: 15_000)
optionalWebSocketOptions ws? :
Options for the WebSocket