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class MessageMentions

export class MessageMentions<InGuild extends boolean = boolean>

Keeps track of mentions in a Message.

Type Parameters

InGuild? extends boolean = boolean

channels : Collection<Snowflake, Channel>

Any channels that were mentioned Order as they appear first in the message content

ChannelsPattern : typeof FormattingPatterns.Channel

A regular expression that matches channel mentions like <#222079895583457280>. The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression.

client : Client

crosspostedChannels : Collection<Snowflake, CrosspostedChannel>

A collection of crossposted channels Order as received from the API, not as they appear in the message content

everyone : boolean

Whether @everyone or @here were mentioned

EveryonePattern : RegExp

A regular expression that matches @everyone and @here. The mention group property is present on the exec result of this expression.

guild : If<InGuild, Guild>

members : If<InGuild, Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>>

Any members that were mentioned (only in Guilds) Order as received from the API, not as they appear in the message content

parsedUsers : Collection<Snowflake, User>

Any user mentions that were included in the message content Order as they appear first in the message content

repliedUser : User | null

The author of the message that this message is a reply to

Any roles that were mentioned Order as received from the API, not as they appear in the message content

RolesPattern : typeof FormattingPatterns.Role

A regular expression that matches role mentions like <@&297577916114403338>. The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression.

Any users that were mentioned Order as received from the API, not as they appear in the message content

UsersPattern : typeof FormattingPatterns.User

A regular expression that matches user mentions like <@81440962496172032>. The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression.

Checks if a user, guild member, thread member, role, or channel is mentioned. Takes into account user mentions, role mentions, channel mentions, replied user mention, and @everyone/@here mentions.

toJSON() : unknown